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... is trying to lead by example in order to reach the climate neutrality by 2050. However, is the EU really leading by example in the global fight against climate change? If so, through which means  ...
... by the central government and means the structure of competences can be modified as necessary. In this study, we will consider how federations manage, to a greater or lesser extent, regional intervention ...
This special issue develops a contextual analysis of EU inter-parliamentary cooperation in the post Lisbon Treaty framework. Indeed, it is possible to claim that there are several sources and causes for ...
... convergence” and on attempts to conceptualise these issues by means of the concept of “complex antinomy”. It will be argued that this analysis needs some refinement and the concept of “levels of disagreements” ...
The European integration process has long been characterised by the predominance of national executive powers. National parliaments were recognised as European actors after several decades only, in the ...
... a solidarity role it should and has to play, in addition to giving the EU the means to properly address current and future challenges.  ...
... state by means of comparative standards of federalism and through references to other decentralised systems.    ...
... the trade potential with BRICs will cause substantial improvements in their trade balances. In addition, by means of panel estimates we find a direct effect of net trade increases on public debt reductions ...
... “input legitimacy” still means the improvement of citizens’ participation, in compliance with Art. 11 TEU. This essay, building on the extensive academic scholarship on participatory democracy, discusses ...
... at achieving resilience against disasters. Being resilient means having the abilities to resist, adapt to stressful changes and to bounce back to the original structure. In a resilience-oriented context, ...
... of regional opinions (also from the regional executives, by means of a ‘political dialogue’) to the Italian parliament, thus indirectly also enhancing the ties between the regional and national levels ...
... fiscal equalisation. We infer that, for the EU, this means that strengthening the equalisation component of the structural funds would contribute to an ever closer Union in a political sense: because fiscal ...
This article examines the interpretation of indirect taxes by the Court of Justice of the European Union (hereinafter, “CJEU” or “the Court”) by means of the preliminary reference procedure. It is argued ...
UN Security Council resolutions lack direct effect, as they are not intended to oblige States in terms of means but just of results. This statement by the ECJ in the Kadi judgment has recently been used ...
Which is the meaning of constitutional review for a proper assessment of subnational constitutionalism? The essay tries to answer this question by means of comparative analysis. To do so, it considers ...
... as a means to “democratize democracy” ...
... reached is that local and regional referendums are midway between the principle of representative democracy and the needs for direct democracy, and can therefore be a useful means in the study of the functioning ...
18. Towards a European Federal Fiscal Union
(Alberto Majocchi/Essay)
... ECB. During a second phase, an issue of Eurobonds would be necessary to supply the UE the financial means needed to support the setting up of a recovery plan of the European economy, to favour a productivity ...
... with a very long and ambitious legal document, the Court succeeded in not condemning as illegitimate most of its controversial provisions by means of interpretation consistent with the Constitution. Thus, ...
20. Accessibility
(Nocomment/no comment)
... improves over time and making a website accessible means to work in concrete ways to improve it, removing many of the obstacles along the path. For this specific reason the Centro Studi sul Federalismo ...
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