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In Argentina the repercussions on the judicial system deriving from the territorial allocation of power are marked by peculiar features that make this experience not fully ascribable to what can be defined ...
This article provides a historical reconstruction of the normative dimension (principles, norms, values) of EU-ASEAN relations, with particular reference to the EU’s inclination and attempts to make them ...
... the normative concept of the legislative functions of federal second chambers: what is the particularly federal rationale behind these legislative powers, and are there other constitutional rationales ...
... on both the descriptive and normative validity of EU constitutional pluralism’s claims. ...
... supranational constitutionalism. The analysis tries to demonstrate that constitutional identity may serve as one of the key normative ideologies, legitimation strategies and ordering schemes of EU constitutionalism. ...
... The EU’s normative power, like all power of an ultimately administrative character, finds its legitimacy primarily in legal, technocratic and functional claims. This is not to deny that European integration ...
... the way in which interactions between the federal and state normative orders are taking place under the new political context. ...
... weeks, a report on compliance with the principle of subsidiarity. The majority of regional parliaments have also carried out normative reforms to regulate the procedure of participation in the early warning ...
... why national (lower) judges may play a fundamental role in solving many of the normative inconsistencies that this scenario creates ...
... constitutionalism. The sovereign constitutional norms are the same and the Basic Laws – such as the Joint Declarations - are essentially identical; that is, the normative superstructure has a high degree ...
The Author analyses the normative framework and the use of the referendum in Italy, at regional and local level. According to the Author, this level of the analysis could even be used as a preliminary ...
... constituent (Schmittian)/constituted (Kelsenian) power, substantial (Schmittian)/procedural (Kelsenian) democracy also recurring in the normative understanding of the Union (sect. 3).  ...
... to its gradual extension to the general public. Finally, the essay addresses the normative question, ‘What is to be done?’. What can we learn from the failure of the constitutional debate? Should Europe ...
... respective regional and interregional policies are generating a competitive “politics of interregionalism” in the African context, where the EU is seeking to perform as a credible “normative power”. In ...
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