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Tags: [European integration, value community, interest community, principal-agent problem, Perspectives on Federalism, endre, orban]  ...
Tags: [EU-ACP, post-Cotonou, negotiations, oreglia, matteo, perspectives on federalism, Cotonou Partnership Agreement; ACP-EU relations; post-Cotonou negotiations; development cooperation; trade; regionalism ...
Tags: [Canada, judicial federalism, pluralism, separation of powers, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Frédéric Bérard, Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens, Perspectives on Federalism, 2020]  ...
Ever since the European Union came into existence many theories have addressed the state of European integration. This paper tries to offer a further interpretation building on the principal-agent concept. ...
5. European Taxes and Fiscal Justice: Citizens’ Support and Lessons from the US
(Tomasz P. Woźniakowski and Miguel Poiares Maduro/Essay)
... the term ‘fiscalization’  which implies the power to tax, rather than ambiguous terms such as ‘Eurozone budget’. History of federations, such as the US, teaches us that some types of taxes can only be ...
... agreement, following the expiry of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement of 2000 (CPA). In particular, we focus on the outcome of the last 20 years of cooperation under the Cotonou Convention, highlighting ...
... joined the liberation struggle started by the Nair Service Society, a local organization of Nair community, in collaboration with the Catholic congress representing Catholic community to topple the government. ...
In 1991, Colombia shifted from a territorial regime that combined shared rule with limited self-rule to the opposite configuration: extensive self-rule without shared rule. The radical shift between these ...
9. The Judiciary in Federal Systems in Africa
(Nico Steytler & Zemelak Ayele/Essay)
Eight states in Africa that have federal or federal-type government systems and most of these federations emerged in the post-Cold War period. The African federations are in various degrees characterised ...
Unlike most other federal states, the Belgian federation has kept the organisation of the judiciary as a federal competence. The reasons are historical, principled, practical as well as political. Meanwhile, ...
... the evolution of pluralism within the Canadian Courts, from three different viewpoints: a) the separation of powers; b) the institutions, like Senate reform, Supreme Court composition, and Quebec secession; ...
... to the main hypothesis to be tested in the case studies, the underlying rationale of the respective federal systems will determine the concrete ways in which the judiciary is organised. Geographically, ...
... order and of the techniques for the protection of fundamental rights. This article focuses on the model of judicial federalism that has developed in the United States. How does this particular configuration ...
... an instrument for the diffusion of democracy, human rights and the European model of regional integration in Southeast Asia. Taking into consideration the normative interaction between the two organizations, ...
Horizontal intergovernmental forums that bring together the constituent units of a federation are increasingly common. This article examines the origin, organization and purpose of the premium horizontal ...
... response and cross-border cooperation. This article aims to examine the initial responses and the development of regional policies of the two most successful examples of regional organisations; EU and ...
Does European integration impact on minority nationalism? Is there evidence that processses of European integration exacerbate or moderate minority nationalist tendencies in member states? Post-2010 ...
18. What Brexit now? Possible implications for the UK and the EU
(Roberto Castaldi - Giuseppe Martinico/Editorial)
... impact on the progress of European integration. ...
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the role and place of oil and gas politics in the Iraqi Federation. This aspect is investigated in the relationship to ethnic conflict. These two features are considered ...
Devolution and the associated mechanisms of governance, such as power-sharing, limited government, a reformed system of public administration and civic engagement, and its features that include the protection ...
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