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... of power asymmetries between the two organizations, associated with the rising relevance of Southeast Asia and ASEAN on the world stage, has affected the cohesion among member states on normative issues ...
Nowadays, the European Integration process is challenged by a rise in anti-establishment parties proposing policies reactionary to globalization. Italy, one of Europe’s founding nations and largest economies, ...
... be found in the theory of the environmental commons (henceforth, simply “commons”). To do this, we will first identify five core points characterising the new environmental justice approach of the ...
... comprising the territories of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, each with its own distinct governing arrangements. These were most recently boosted by the 1997 Labour government’s devolution ...
... to the integration process in times of crisis. It is unsurprising, in these circumstances, that the public law of European integration has continually resorted to mechanisms of nationally mediated legitimacy ...
... of the European Union. The article will conclude by summarising the findings which may put into perspective the more general challenges of cooperation in criminal matters within the EU. ...
This contribution deals with the role of the European Council in the institutional framework of the European Union, as it has been laid down by the Lisbon Treaty. It focuses on its rising influence, even ...
... and human rights, hinged on the use of positive and negative conditionality. The empirical focus of the piece will be on the period following the Arab Uprising, coinciding with the creation of the European ...
... the role exercised by such bodies in the EU decision-making process. After a general overview of the main organisational and functional features characterising the activity of these bodies in EU affairs, ...
... where a central role is played by the central government in order to comply with the financial constraints arising from new challenges of the European economic integration process? ...
... by the European Court of Human Rights in order to avoid the crucial decision over the hierarchy between obligations arising from the ECHR and the UN Charter. This article describes the “elusive virtue” ...
... to ‘re-imagine’ the configuration of the whole ‘institutional’ disability domain. It is nonetheless surprising that the efforts at national level are not counterbalanced by identical commitments in the ...
... surprising. We notice in fact how difficult it is for party systems to “regionalise themselves”, even when political interests of regional bodies are at stake. Every single regional electoral appointment ...
... arising from a direct popular initiative or a PLI rejected by Parliament. The Autonomous Communities have regulated PLIs with the same reluctance as they have had regulating the Constitution and the Organic ...
... a systemic perspective, the EU is undoubtedly called to face the challenge rising from alternative models of interregional cooperation. ...
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