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Total: 16 results found.
Tags: [Climate Change, Climate Change mitigation, AFOLU sector, International Climate Treaties, International Climate Legal Regime, Roberto, Talenti, Perspectives on Federalism]  ...
... agency relationships within the European Union, and presents legal and political solutions of the founding treaties which aim to tackle the agency issues. Furthermore, the study analyzes two fundamental ...
It has been years now that the scientific community is warning about the gravity of climate change consequences and about the need to effectively respond to it. However, the climate crisis just seems to ...
This Article addresses Congress’s prerogative to implement non-self-executing treaties. In construing Congress’s Necessary and Proper Clause authority in this area, most commentators have argued that it ...
... federal laws. The article will also study the connection between the principle of sincere cooperation, established in the EU Treaties, and equivalent principles which exist in federal legal orders, namely ...
... different risks.On the anniversary of sixty years of the Rome Treaties, this Special Issue aims to reflect on the paradigms for EU law looking beyond their competing accounts of EU integration. The analysis ...
... unification of the Old Continent. The aim of this essay is to analyse EM’s stance in defence of the Community institutions established under the Treaties of Paris (1951) and Rome (1957), in the face of ...
... before the Treaties has been put under stress. Likewise the position of national institutions concerned by the same Euro-crisis measure can have different implications depending on the Member State. This ...
... channels for citizen and civil society participation in the EU. It attempts to critically contrast and compare formal participatory tools, i.e. those provided for in the Treaties or regulated by secondary ...
On several occasions over the last few years, the prospect of a reform of the treaties, which seemed to have been put on the back burner after the laborious gestation of the Lisbon Treaty, has regained ...
... treaty-making powers of the sub-state entities, the mechanisms that allow their participation in the foreign policy making of the central government and the implementation of the international treaties. ...
Macau and Hong Kong Special Administrative Regions of the People’s Republic of China enjoy, via a complex web of constituent legal instruments (international treaties, norms of the PRC Constitution and, ...
14. The Euro-Area Crisis: A First Legal Analysis
(Giuseppe Martinico/Review article)
... treaties; 2.    enhanced cooperation: 3.    the conclusion of an international agreement. In this brief note, I am going to stress both the negative and the positive aspects of these options, trying ...
... experiences? My idea is that the latest attempts at amending the EU treaties – the period of the “Conventions”  – can be traced back to the genus of mega-constitutional politics and starting from this ...
... "Landesblindheit" (legal blindness towards the territorial subnational entities). This is confirmed in the Treaties (specifically in Article 10, ECT), where it can be seen that the subjects of the Community ...
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