... regard. First, does the structure of the judicial institutions also follow the vertical division of powers between the central and subnational governments? Secondly, given the non-centrist or centrist ...
Addressing the limits of autonomy: Origin, organization and purpose of horizontal intergovernmental forums in three federations
(Yonatan Tesfaye Fessha/Essay)
(Yonatan Tesfaye Fessha/Essay)
... collaboration, however, the forums are focused on creating a common front against the national government. They may be horizontal in their structure but vertical in their orientation. ...
Inter-parliamentary Cooperation in the EU and outside the Union: Distinctive Features and Limits of the European Experience
(Elena Griglio and Nicola Lupo/Essay)
(Elena Griglio and Nicola Lupo/Essay)
... of vertical formats. The article argues that inter-parliamentary cooperation in the EU is expected to act as a sui generis practice when compared to apparently similar forms of transnational dialogue amongst ...
European Citizens… Mind the Gap! Some Reflections on Participatory Democracy in the EU
(Delia Ferri/Essay)
(Delia Ferri/Essay)
... territorial (vertical) dimensions of participation. It then contrasts the role of (horizontally or vertically) organized civil society’s participation with the participatory role of EU citizens uti singuli. ...