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... the positive aspects of the Agreement, but also and above all its criticalities and failures. Taking into consideration such results and the interaction between the two organisations, we analyse the main ...
... some fragmentation has taken place, with sub-state competences related to several aspects of the judicial organisation, and a regularly used leeway for Communities and Regions to establish administrative ...
Israel is a small nation, it features natural areas that are poor in resources, has a mixed population with different languages and religions, boats a strong army and hold a crucial geographical position: ...
... federalism can even be regarded as an embodiment of that concept since it covers all possible aspects of ‘executive federalism’. The Bundesrat has an important share in that classification. ...
... resulting in a clear prevalence of the latter, mainly focuses on two aspects: the exercise of legislative function and, in parliamentary regimes, the confidence vote. In spite of the unquestionable relevance ...
... the other Provinces as well, moving towards de facto asymmetry. This process has proved to be successful over the years, but recently the federal government has reacted, recentralizing some aspects of ...
... EU as a Union of Member States. On these grounds, the final remarks highlight the need for a more comprehensive paradigm for EU law that can explain these different aspects of EU law under a common approach ...
... beyond the wording of the Treaty, and the increasing criticism stimulated by this evolution. In reviewing the main relevant issues and critical viewpoints related to the European Council, some aspects ...
9. Crisis, emergency and subnational constitutionalism in the Italian context
(Giuseppe Martinico - Leonardo Pierdominici/Essay)
... research on the incidence of the crisis on some specific aspects in the Italian legal context, and especially on the relationships between the coordination of budgetary and financial policies and the welfare ...
... evidence and to identify the most significant aspects that have emerged in parliamentary practice. The paper focuses on the SWIFT affair and, by looking at the novelties introduced by the Lisbon Treaty, ...
... Regions (despite their important powers in the disability domain). This essay aims to investigate the most intriguing aspects of current disability policy making, without neglecting empirical insights ...
12. Exploring Subnational Constitutionalism: A Special Issue
(Giacomo Delledonne - Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
... Ethiopia, and Macao). Other pieces, instead, consider the phenomenon from a comparative perspective, focusing on the external relations of subnational polities, the distinctive aspects of legislatures ...
... its own instruments of a participative democracy, allowing citizens to influence decision-making processes. In this paper, the main aspects of this experience will be analysed ...
... aspects have emerged, a progressive shift in perspective has occurred compared to previous versions of the statutes. Participation is now the leit motif that characterises the relation between individuals ...
15. The Euro-Area Crisis: A First Legal Analysis
(Giuseppe Martinico/Review article)
... treaties; 2.    enhanced cooperation: 3.    the conclusion of an international agreement. In this brief note, I am going to stress both the negative and the positive aspects of these options, trying ...
... the coast of Somalia could rely on the promise of civis europaeus sum. The paper discusses the various legal aspects pertaining to the forceful protection of EU citizens in international law, EU ...
In the introduction the topic of the special issue is introduced, followed by an overview of the single contributions and some general remarks. Three of the contributions specifically address aspects of ...
... of fiscal federalism and examines the consequences. The Article analyses the most important principles and directive criteria contained in the law, tackles certain problematical aspects and highlights ...
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