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... In so doing, this essay tries to identify the essential features of judicial federalism in Argentina: i) organization of the judiciary at the two levels; ii) competences of federated entities in defining ...
... “Orientalist” mask of Asia, defining an identity that assumes a singular inclination that could be defined as a difficult and problematic effort towards a “decolonial” option. ...
While most students of federalism feel satisfied with defining it as involving self-rule and shared rule, there is an inherent laxity in that definition because several institutional forms have dual components ...
... politics in the German Länder. Firstly, I examine how far sub-national constitutional politics match the functioning of cooperative federalism that is a defining feature of the Grand Coalition state. Secondly, ...
... power and allows for sufficient judicial review. However, the Supreme Court has taken a more permissive approach than the Court of Justice in defining the limiting principle. The United States has loosened ...
6. Margins of Nationality. External ethnic citizenship and non-discrimination
(Kriszta Kovács, Zsolt Körtvélyesi, and Alíz Nagy/Essay)
People are usually born into their political communities, and only a minority of them become member of the given community by naturalisation. Sovereign states enjoy a great margin of appreciation in defining ...
In this essay, the author explores the way in which courts have played an important role in defining the shape of Mexico’s federal system and state constitutionalism in that country’s emerging multi-party ...
Comparative constitutional scholarship identifies sub-national constituent power as one of the defining features of federal systems. Moreover, according to public choice theory, devolutionary federal systems ...
The goal of this paper is to draw attention to a critical issue regarding the decline in the traditional doctrine of Parliamentary sovereignty in the United Kingdom. Devolution has proven to be a serious ...
10. Rethinking (EU) citizenship
(Giuseppe Martinico/Review article)
... to defining the new boundaries of this concept ...
... relations driven by power rivalry, realism, geopolitics, political economy, balance of power, etc, still have a determining effect East Asia in defining “functions”, influencing the process and determining ...
The debate on federalism in Iraq is interrelated with the identity conflict which has dominated Iraqi politics since the regime change in 2003. Federalism was proposed and became constitutional in 2005 ...
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