Jurisdiction and Pluralisms: Judicial Functions and Organisation in Federal Systems
(Jens Woelk/Essay)
(Jens Woelk/Essay)
Tags: [Germany, federalism, rule of law, unity of the judiciary, judicial pluralism, Jens Woelk, Pespectives on Federalism, 2020] ...
In this article I explore the judicial dimension of federal systems from a subnational perspective. The findings show that regardles of the type of federalism subnational courts of last resort underscore ...
Jurisdiction and Pluralism: Judicial Functions and Organization in Federal Systems. The Case of Germany
(Dian Schefold/Essay)
(Dian Schefold/Essay)
This article analyses the model of judicial federalism that has developed in the Federal Republic of Germany. As the constitutional history of Germany reveals, federal regulation of the judiciary has often ...
... as ‘classic models’ of ‘judicial federalism’, namely the United States and Germany. This is related to the particularities of Latin American constitutionalism in general, and Argentine constitutionalism ...
Jurisdiction and Pluralisms: Judicial Functions and Organisation in Federal Systems
(Jens Woelk/Essay)
(Jens Woelk/Essay)
The thematic focus of this issue of Perspectives on Federalism shall analyse phenomena of pluralism in the judiciary of federal systems: ‘Jurisdiction and Pluralisms: Judicial Functions and Organisation ...
... jurisdictions like Italy and Germany, the distribution of competences has often come to the spotlight of public attention. ...
In this paper, I examine the degree and causes of judicial activism in a German subnational constitutional court. This research goal entails two dimensions. On the one hand, I explore whether and to what ...
... executive branch or the judiciary have been rather neglected in the literature. This paper will examine the extra-legislative functions of second chambers which include Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, ...
... Belgium, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and the UK. ...
... of those European states that have a federal or quasi-federal character (Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom). Second, the paper addresses ...
Constitutional politics seemingly corroborate the assumption that Germany is a Grand Coalition state. In this perspective German cooperative federalism and the supermajority required for any amendment ...
Article 260 TFEU Sanctions in Multi-Tiered Member States
(W. Vandenbruwaene, P. Popelier and C. Janssens/Essay)
(W. Vandenbruwaene, P. Popelier and C. Janssens/Essay)
... Member States (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK) and the relevant national provisions for the partition of financial sanctions. The conclusions pertain to both the central and regional ...
Multilevel Systems and Sub-National Constitutional Politics in Germany: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis
(Werner Reutter/Essay)
(Werner Reutter/Essay)
Are sub-national constitutional politics shaped by multilevel structures or by sub-national factors? That is the question I am tackling with in this paper. In order to answer this question I will examine ...
... these approaches, provides us with prototypes for a centralist approach (the UK), a gate-keeper approach (Germany) and a dualist approach (Belgium). At the same time, these indicators can be used to refine ...
... topicality and has also been called for by several EU governments, including that of Germany, ever since the economic crisis has begun to threaten the very survival of the Euro. The aim of this paper is ...
... both federal systems (the United States and Germany) and regional or autonomic systems (Italy and Spain). The analysis of organs and procedures allows to draw some conclusions: the presence of a system ...
Exploring Subnational Constitutionalism: A Special Issue
(Giacomo Delledonne - Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
(Giacomo Delledonne - Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
... in those federal or regional contexts where subnational polities do not have a legal document formally called “constitution”. Some contributions have a national focus (on Belgium, Spain, Germany, Argentina, ...
Recently Germany experienced yet another federal reform shortly after a previous modification to the German federal system. This paper explains agenda setting, negotiations and ratification of this recent ...
This note provides a brief comment on the Lisbon Urteil of the German Constitutional Court. The author points out the ambiguities of the judgment and its possible impact on the European integration process ...