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Tags: [Secession, EU accession, EU Membership, multilevel governance, independence, Cédric, Lombaerts, Perspectives on Federalism]  ...
... If we discuss constitutional adjudication and high courts in federal systems, we must take the subnational level into account. Without giving this level its due credit, we are unable to understand ...
Secession in a EU context analysed from a multilevel governance unravels that there is in fact room EU interference in secessionist conflicts. Nevertheless, a balance should be struck between such commitment ...
4. European Taxes and Fiscal Justice: Citizens’ Support and Lessons from the US
(Tomasz P. Woźniakowski and Miguel Poiares Maduro/Essay)
... effectively - and justly - levied by the highest level of government, the revenue from which could then be used for the common goods. Importantly, our data, based on YouGov survey conducted in 11 European ...
... level they could use to veto recentralization and defend their newfound self-rule. ...
... In so doing, this essay tries to identify the essential features of judicial federalism in Argentina: i) organization of the judiciary at the two levels; ii) competences of federated entities in defining ...
Judicial federalism has generally been neglected by scholars in comparative federalism. However, this topic is quite relevant for a proper understanding of the distribution of competences in a federal ...
... the view that institutionalization of intergovernmental relations may not be a necessary condition for effective intergovernmental relations. Yet, in countries with no history of multilevel governance ...
COVID-19 has posed several challenges at the national level with governments adopting various policies to counter its spread. Nonetheless, the transnational nature of pandemics requires a coordinated regional ...
... development of the European Union (EU) is characterised by an unprecedented cumulation of crises, generating integration and disintegration tensions in its multi-level governance structure. How do these ...
11. Fiscal Federalism Policy in Somalia: Emerging Challenges and Agenda for Reform
(Najibullah Nor Isak and Ali Yassin Sheikh Ali/Essay)
... observation, and case studies were the key tools utilized in this study. The study interviewed 12 different fiscal experts (mid-level decision-makers and technical-level experts) involved in fiscal federalism ...
... self-sufficiency or on the suitability of food self-reliance at national and global levels. While within the UN agencies, a multifaceted and multidimensional concept emerges. ...
... are still a reality, as a margin of discretion persists for Member States, aimed at maintaining a high level of decentralisation, particularly where issues related to national policies and more (nation) ...
... The central question addressed here is to assess whether COSAC is currently structured to allow NPs to obtain more information and access to the policy and decision-making circuits at EU level and, therefore, ...
The article draws comparisons between inter-parliamentary cooperation in the European Union and at the international level. It recognises that, notwithstanding a strong international imprint, inter-parliamentary ...
... process. Its objective is to show, beyond the mere sharing of information and the comparison of best practices at a supranational and transnational level, whether existing inter-parliamentary practices ...
... the Belgian system shows an inverse relationship. The Senate gradually turned into a house representative of the sub-states, but its powers declined inversely proportional to the level of decentralisation ...
... of having two differently composed Chambers prevent capricious and precipitous decision-making? The paper then turns to alternative mechanisms of representing regions at the federal level, briefly looks ...
In federal and regionalised states, bicameralism constitutes shared rule between levels of governments. At the same time, second chambers serve as a safeguard protecting self-rule of decentralised governments ...
... disturb the relaying of positions from the national to the supranational level, as the former approach implies. This paper aims to explore these issues, in particular related to representation and consensus. ...
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