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... 23 decision-making processes in German Länder and try to find out how far their outcome has been determined by multilevel and / or sub-national factors. Notably, I will refer to three policy areas in which ...
... Since Flanders only has embryonic constitution-making power, this is not a proposal for a Constitution but merely a proposal for a resolution. As a (non-binding) resolution, the Charter has no legal implications, ...
... differ from each other in terms of territorial size, ethnic composition and economic and social circumstances, making a one-size-fits-all approach inappropriate to the design of local government. Nevertheless, ...
... can thus help ascertaining the scope of subnational autonomous decision-making, if based on the set of arguments pertaining to efficiency and democratic legitimacy that together construe subsidiarity. ...
... of the involvement of people and civil society in decision-making remains contentious, more than a decade after the publication of the 2001 White Paper on European Governance, the method of increasing ...
The 2001 constitutional reform in Italy has promoted a more active participation of the Italian Regions in the law-making process and, even more significantly, also in the implementation of EU law. However, ...
... the role exercised by such bodies in the EU decision-making process. After a general overview of the main organisational and functional features characterising the activity of these bodies in EU affairs, ...
... The author proposes a step-by-step approach to making a selection of all the initiatives expressed in the yearly legislative program of the European Commission, with a focus on analysing the procedure ...
The Treaty of Lisbon increased the role of National and Regional Parliaments in the EU decision-making process, in order to compensate for some of the weaknesses of the European institutional architecture. ...
... of its own policy making process. It seems that Italy has taken its international commitment seriously, in compliance with Art. 117(1) of the Italian Constitution, for the last years have witnessed attempts ...
...  In order to do so, I have structured the article into two parts: the first part recalls the main features of the so-called transnational law (polycentrism, non-exclusivity of state actors in the law-making ...
... of the institutional opportunities that the Union composite constitutional order provides for the participation of the regional tier in its decision-making processes. The present paper examines how the ...
... on policy domains and the quality of the decision-making processes. Researching the stability of the participation tools or whether local democracy prefers more “ad hoc” processes allows us to analyze ...
... directly involve civil society in the decision-making process experiencing the scope and appropriateness of the instruments by which it is channeled ...
... the quality of democracy and the efficiency of public decision-making. It is necessary to assume that governments cannot face these complex transformations without taking into account all voices and interests. ...
... is not to be halted, needs to be supported by the political class, which should be the first to recognise it as an instrument for making emerge and for reconciling so many different and sometimes opposing ...
The mechanisms of citizen participation in lawmaking can be considered as mechanisms of participatory democracy. These institutions enable citizens to submit proposals or opinions in the process of decision-making ...
38. Introduction
(Anna Mastromarino/Editorial)
... of democracy: representative, direct and participatory, in the framework of the new generation of Statutes passed last decade in both countries. Instruments of participation are introduced in the decision-making ...
39. Towards a European Federal Fiscal Union
(Alberto Majocchi/Essay)
... the attribution process to the Union of a decision-making power in foreign policy and in the security sector, starting within the perimeter initially of the Eurozone, where an ever increasing interdependence ...
40. Federal Reform II in Germany
(Dominic Heinz/Note)
... Länder alike. The Grand Coalition of CDU/CSU and SPD managed to quickly gather a qualified majority in the Bundestag, making the qualified majority of Länder the crucial negotiating point. At the end, ...
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