Tags: [Secession, EU accession, EU Membership, multilevel governance, independence, Cédric, Lombaerts, Perspectives on Federalism] ...
Secession in a EU context analysed from a multilevel governance unravels that there is in fact room EU interference in secessionist conflicts. Nevertheless, a balance should be struck between such commitment ...
The Challenge of Diversity in a Multinational Federation: The Impact of the Judiciary on Pluralism in Canada
(Frédéric Bérard and Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBi/Essay)
(Frédéric Bérard and Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBi/Essay)
Political rhetoric aside, has Canada, 150 years after its foundation, achieved its goal of preserving pluralism? How is pluralism defined within the Canadian framework? What was the judiciary’s contribution ...
Jurisdiction and Pluralisms: Judicial Functions and Organisation in Federal Systems
(Jens Woelk/Essay)
(Jens Woelk/Essay)
... linguistic or ethnic diversity in a multinational or multiethnic federation. ...
Judicial federalism has generally been neglected by scholars in comparative federalism. However, this topic is quite relevant for a proper understanding of the distribution of competences in a federal ...
Addressing the limits of autonomy: Origin, organization and purpose of horizontal intergovernmental forums in three federations
(Yonatan Tesfaye Fessha/Essay)
(Yonatan Tesfaye Fessha/Essay)
... the view that institutionalization of intergovernmental relations may not be a necessary condition for effective intergovernmental relations. Yet, in countries with no history of multilevel governance ...
European Integration and Minority Nationalism: a Literature Review and Avenues for Further Research
(Michal Strnad/Essay)
(Michal Strnad/Essay)
... development of the European Union (EU) is characterised by an unprecedented cumulation of crises, generating integration and disintegration tensions in its multi-level governance structure. How do these ...
Can Asymmetrical Constitutional Arrangements Provide an Alternative Answer for the Disputed? Bringing Constitutional Asymmetries into Play in the Middle East Peace Process
(Maja Sahadžić /Essay)
(Maja Sahadžić /Essay)
... recent systems are multi-tiered and multinational, producing asymmetrical responses by default. In addition to suggesting that asymmetrical solutions are often required, this implies that some degree of ...
... of multiple parts of society is analysed. ...
... self-sufficiency or on the suitability of food self-reliance at national and global levels. While within the UN agencies, a multifaceted and multidimensional concept emerges. ...
Subnational constitutions between asymmetry in fundamental rights protection and the principle of non-discrimination: a comparison between Belgium (Charter for Flanders) and Switzerland
(Matteo Monti/Essay)
(Matteo Monti/Essay)
... In the first part (section 2), this paper briefly explores the importance of subnational constitutions in multinational states, highlighting how subnational constitutions could incorporate cultural fundamental ...
The Contribution of COSAC to Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny in the EU: A Practitioner’s View
(Bruno A. Dias Pinheiro/Essay)
(Bruno A. Dias Pinheiro/Essay)
... if NPs are benefiting from COSAC or are they, on the contrary, lagging behind and lost amidst so many interparliamentary meetings? It is argued that COSAC occupies a key role in the multipolarised system ...
Inter-parliamentary Cooperation in the EU and outside the Union: Distinctive Features and Limits of the European Experience
(Elena Griglio and Nicola Lupo/Essay)
(Elena Griglio and Nicola Lupo/Essay)
... organisational point of view, the distinctive structure of parliamentary representation in the EU has pushed inter-parliamentary arrangements into a multi-layered design, consisting of a large variety ...
Inter-parliamentary cooperation as a means for reinforcing joint scrutiny in the EU: upgrading existing mechanisms and creating new ones
(Elena Griglio and Stelios Stavridis/Editorial)
(Elena Griglio and Stelios Stavridis/Editorial)
... to react to these challenges. It specifically assesses the practical impact of interparliamentary cooperation on the numerous democratic gaps that still exist in the EU´s multi-layered decision-making ...
Bicameralism in Belgium: the dismantlement of the Senate for the sake of multinational confederalism
(Patricia Popelier/Essay)
(Patricia Popelier/Essay)
... to the needs of multinational conflict management, and that complying with the federative ideal of an upper house giving voice to the collective needs of the sub-states would stand in the way of the evolution ...
Beyond Second Chambers: Alternative Representation of Territorial Interests and Their Reasons
(Francesco Palermo/Essay)
(Francesco Palermo/Essay)
... and second chambers are ineffective as territorial bodies. Furthermore, there is a clear trend to move from bicameralism to bilateralism, meaning that instead of taking advantage of ineffective multilateral ...
Unicameralism, Bicameralism, Multicameralism: Evolution and Trends in Europe
(Paolo Passaglia/Essay)
(Paolo Passaglia/Essay)
An analysis of the structure of parliaments in European countries shows that a wide range of options developed across the centuries. However, many of these patterns (among which tetracameralism, tricameralism, ...
The Functions of Constitutional Identity Performed in the Context of Constitutionalization of the EU Order and Europeanization of the Legal Orders of EU Member States
(Martin Belov/Essay)
(Martin Belov/Essay)
... It reasserts through functional analysis the suitability of constitutional identity for organizing and explaining multiple constitutional orders in a non-hierarchical and inclusive way. The article is ...
Perspectives on Federalism starts off its ninth year with this issue which gathers, as usual, a series of multi-disciplinary pieces. Almost two years have passed since we started our collaboration with ...
Commanders-in-chief beyond the border: analysing the powers of heads of state in Northern American federalism
(Tiago de Melo Cartaxo/Essay)
(Tiago de Melo Cartaxo/Essay)
... even between countries which were historically influenced by the same constitutional and democratic traditions, but, as a result of a multitude of historical and cultural influences, decided to follow ...