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... leaves an extensive leeway to Member States in the definition of the crimes, sanctions and limitation period, which may hinder any desired harmonisation of national legislations. On the other side, it ...
Israel is a small nation, it features natural areas that are poor in resources, has a mixed population with different languages and religions, boats a strong army and hold a crucial geographical position: ...
Food security is a hugely important and complex issue. Such complexity is demonstrated, inter alia, by the lack of a consistent definition of food security under the international policy framework. Of ...
24. Towards a re-launch of the EU?
(Roberto Castaldi/Editorial)
The European elections may have opened a window of opportunity for the re-launch of European integration. This is also due to a specific constellation of national politics in the three largest countries ...
In this paper, I examine the degree and causes of judicial activism in a German subnational constitutional court. This research goal entails two dimensions. On the one hand, I explore whether and to what ...
... online survey using social media. A total of 1,073 respondents nationwide participated in this study. The major variables studied were: perceptions of federalism adoption; legislative power sharing; executive ...
Nowadays, the European Integration process is challenged by a rise in anti-establishment parties proposing policies reactionary to globalization. Italy, one of Europe’s founding nations and largest economies, ...
This issue of Perspectives on Federalism presents a special symposium devoted to the elections of the European Parliament. The EU has frequently been described as a burden, a threat to national sovereignty ...
The 2019 European elections are characterised by many novelties and paradoxes: for the first time they have acquired a high political salience, also thanks to the cleavage between nationalist and pro-EU ...
The purpose of the present paper is to find a theoretical-legal basis for the recent innovative decisions by the Colombian Supreme Court of Justice and by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on ...
This paper investigates the complex relationship between asymmetry and the principle of non-discrimination from the perspective of subnational fundamental rights. The research question of this paper concerns ...
... are still a reality, as a margin of discretion persists for Member States, aimed at maintaining a high level of decentralisation, particularly where issues related to national policies and more (nation) ...
In 2017, a new Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group (JPSG) was created to enable members of the national parliaments of the EU and the European Parliament to exercise joint oversight of the EU agency for ...
The provision of Article 13 TSCG to create an Interparliamentary Conference was the starting point for long discussions after which national parliaments and the European Parliament eventually reached a ...
This contribution proposes a framework of transnational parliamentarism to study inter-parliamentary cooperation, and applies it to the interparliamentary conference on CFSP/CSDP. It asks to what extent ...
COSAC has played an active role in fostering and developing interparliamentary cooperation since it has proven to be an effective model that has helped shape a supranational layer of influence for NPs. ...
The article draws comparisons between inter-parliamentary cooperation in the European Union and at the international level. It recognises that, notwithstanding a strong international imprint, inter-parliamentary ...
When ethnic groups negotiate self-government arrangements, ‘ethnic sovereignty’ lies boldly at the heart of their security considerations. The constitutional nature of self-determination and the extent ...
... into the recent crisis in this ‘State of Autonomies’, which is now facing the breakdown of national unity. ...
Interparliamentary conferences and other permanent forums for interparliamentary cooperation are blossoming in the European Union. Following more or less lengthy negotiations between national and European ...
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