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... the view that institutionalization of intergovernmental relations may not be a necessary condition for effective intergovernmental relations. Yet, in countries with no history of multilevel governance ...
This Article addresses Congress’s prerogative to implement non-self-executing treaties. In construing Congress’s Necessary and Proper Clause authority in this area, most commentators have argued that it ...
... by the central government and means the structure of competences can be modified as necessary. In this study, we will consider how federations manage, to a greater or lesser extent, regional intervention ...
... of self-rule and shared rule. It is therefore necessary to find out if federalism is an equivalent of all self-rule – shared rule systems of government or not. This requires an effort to locate the implication ...
... of the MFF in the future years some radical changes are necessary, including an increase of the ceilings and flexibility. Besides, the problems with the implementation of the current MFF give arguments ...
... the Multi Financial Framework would be essential to foster the trend. These reforms, together with an increase in the financial resources available, are necessary if the EU budget is to be reconciled with ...
... then contends that for national courts to assume responsibility in the development of the European legal order, extra-judicial interaction is necessary. It describes the contribution of judicial networks ...
... have a say in the decisions being taken “in Brussels”. Their active involvement seems even more necessary after the Euro-crisis, which has brought about a steady acceleration of both the trends towards ...
... to the ever-growing prosperity and happiness of their people(s). In Switzerland, a civic understanding of nationhood and cross-cutting cleavages were necessary conditions for extensive, effective and legitimate ...
... the quality of democracy and the efficiency of public decision-making. It is necessary to assume that governments cannot face these complex transformations without taking into account all voices and interests. ...
11. Towards a European Federal Fiscal Union
(Alberto Majocchi/Essay)
... character of the Union and to the limited dimensions of its budget. To try getting out of this impasse it is necessary to promote as soon as possible an initiative to start a political project envisaging ...
... in Italy, in which the various bodies making up the Republic are on an equal footing. Accordingly, this has made it necessary to re-consider the relationships between Regions and Local Authorities, which ...
13. Policy
(Nocomment/no comment)
... the aims requested and will only be given to third parties if this is absolutely necessary in order to achieve such aim.      TYPES OF DATA PROCESSED  Surfing data The IT systems and software procedures ...
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