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Total: 10 results found.
Tags: [Climate Change, Climate Change mitigation, AFOLU sector, International Climate Treaties, International Climate Legal Regime, Roberto, Talenti, Perspectives on Federalism]  ...
It has been years now that the scientific community is warning about the gravity of climate change consequences and about the need to effectively respond to it. However, the climate crisis just seems to ...
In 1991, Colombia shifted from a territorial regime that combined shared rule with limited self-rule to the opposite configuration: extensive self-rule without shared rule. The radical shift between these ...
... resulting in a clear prevalence of the latter, mainly focuses on two aspects: the exercise of legislative function and, in parliamentary regimes, the confidence vote. In spite of the unquestionable relevance ...
In this article, I compare constitutional and administrative models in terms of their implications for the EU legal order’s interaction with other legal regimes. I aim to make a twofold argument on the ...
... regime. The article also contains a brief description of three particular types of referendum, i.e. the regional referendum, the referendum for territorial modifications and the local referendum. The conclusion ...
... on the implementation within the European Union of the regime of targeted financial sanctions adopted by the United Nations Security Council. The transposition of these measures within the EU uncovered ...
8. A World Currency for a World New Deal
(Antonio Mosconi/Essay)
... cannot be the world currency anymore. The positive spontaneous transition of the monetary system from the dollar standard towards a multicurrency/multibasket regime can produce instability if not governed ...
9. Federal Reform II in Germany
(Dominic Heinz/Note)
... stronger Länder forced weaker Länder either to accept the new debt regime suggested primarily by the federal government, forcing Bund and Länder to uphold balanced budgets until 2020 or to be responsible ...
The debate on federalism in Iraq is interrelated with the identity conflict which has dominated Iraqi politics since the regime change in 2003. Federalism was proposed and became constitutional in 2005 ...
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